Three Pairs of Planets ~ 10 Dec 2021

In but hours, Venus and Pluto conjoin in Capricorn for the first of three times over the next weeks. Yes, that can feel overwhelming to the point of rendering a new name to daunting. Those internal stirrings that demand you give your creative urges the time of day so your soul can feel fulfilled, rise above the high water mark. Simply considering what it takes to meet the purposes of your soul can sag the psyche during transits like this. The time... the money... the energy demands of how can you apply all your God-granted gifts to the fullest may feel impossible to muster.

All that, plus the mundane matters at hand can complicate the best of daily routine plans. It is important to recognize that all folks, at some level of their consciousness, feel similar things. Better to step back for a moment to regroup. First, agree to do all that your spirit yearns to do. Agree without consideration of all that is warranted by that agreement. Simply decide that you’re going to do everything that fills your sails.

Within the next reasonable passage of time, Ceres retrogrades over the North Node in Gemini. Causes, causes everywhere! So many things to strike the flint of your ire. So many annoying circumstances swirl about. This is a notable transit on the ephemeral cusp of the lunar nodes shifting signs from Gemini to Taurus. Here the inspiration asks that causes receive clear prioritization. What wars can be won? What battles actually deserve your attention? How do battles and wars get along these days?

The Gemini spin can pile a heaping amount of concerns on the plate of life. Remember the plate of life is attacked one fork at a time. With a stacked plate do you start with the food you like the most, the least, or where your fork happens to go by psychic guidance? This is an important assessment to cleanse the palate before taking in spiritual nourishment. It is important to recognize the approach unconsciously taken when choosing causes and considerations. This approach awareness prevents selecting options with no hope of resolution, and/or creates a clear set of expectations as to what can be accomplished and if it is worth pursuit.

Find those lodestars that must be pursued in the interest of pleasing Venus conjunct Pluto. Next thing you know, Ceres, the contentious one, will be pleased with direction you point her for engagement. She is in your corner, after all.

Monday, 13 December, Mercury lines up with Ixion in Capricorn. Let’s say there may be a real world consideration about something that was handled in less than an ideal manner first time around. This is the time to decide that every day is filled with new opportunities to get it right. There is such a thing as second chances. What’s important here is that Mercury remember that thought is true and that there’s no time like now to push corrective agendas forward. This is the “if I had it to do all over again knowing what I know now” syndrome. Create clear, decisive actions that ensure all tasks approached in this time absolutely work to rectify any matter requiring rectification. A gift of conscious clarity for this holiday season that peels with delight.

Since this is the holiday season and things are as they are with mundane demands, this and the next couple posts will be brief. Here’s to the celestial deuce patterns above working wonder and magic in all your ways. Following “stars” is a good thing. There’s a reason magi is the majority of magic.

More soon.